On March 21, 2011, German news magazine Spiegel published repulsive photos showing a group of smiling US 🇺🇸 soldiers posing with the dead bodies of innocent Afghan civilians after killing them.


The Houthis 🇾🇪 announced that they will cooperate with Russia 🇷🇺 and China 🇨🇳 to weaken the West 🇺🇸

The US 🇺🇸 empire operates like a mafia

How US elites sell imperialism

Chinese top diplomat Wang Yi asked, “If the US persistently monopolizes the high-end of the value chain and keeps China at the low-end, where is fairness and competition?”

The US empire operates like a mafia. However, to justify its actions, it demonizes China.

Once people are convinced that another country is evil or a threat, they will support any unfair, illegal or immoral action.

This is the art of selling imperialism.

The US will continue its absurd mafia strategy until the bitter end.

Julian Assange Says 🇦🇺 The World Should Not Trust The USA 🇺🇸 EMPIRE

Julian Assange: Innocent man in Prison, Julian Crime Exposing USA War Crimes.


Blackrock 🏦 🇺🇸 gets half a trillion dollar💰🤑deal to “rebuild” Ukraine 🇺🇦

What a spontaneous & shocking coincidence.


The US 🇺🇸 GOVERNMENT Does not represent me.

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The Truth Behind Events in Ukraine 🇺🇦 and Donbass #DonbassTragedy


The numerous human rights violations and war crimes of the Kiev regime, committed since the coup d’etat of 2014 has been well documented, including by investigative journalists, based on objective data and first-hand witness reports. Unsurprisingly, for years all this information went purposefully unnoticed by the global mainstream media, actively blocked from the public eye in the Western nations.

The Truth Behind Events in Ukraine and Donbass.pdf 



🇷🇺 🇺🇳 The junta in Kiev 🇺🇦 has finally thrown off its masks and opted for terrorism 🇺🇸. The actions of the Kiev regime are strikingly cruel and sophisticatedly hateful.

US 🇺🇸 arms sales hit all-time high

Some of the US’ biggest customers were Eastern European nations arming themselves for a potential conflict with Russia.


Russian President Putin 🇷🇺 says the source of the Palestinian problem is America.

The US 🇺🇸 never learnt to be civilized and mature. It is a rogue nation that creates and profits from war.

US must be stripped of its VETO power for the sake of peace in the world.


US Congressman Andrew Ogles is confronted with the deaths of Palestinian children whose bodies have been shredded to pieces at the hands of Israel His response: “I think we should kill them all.” ‘KILL THEM ALL’, the slogan of the US’ rules-based order

This is the United States’ legacy, and I will never forget seeing these images when they came out. Scandalous doesn’t even begin to cover it.

Beijing has asserted that the US veto of a ceasefire at the UN Security Council is tantamount to endorsing the ongoing Israeli genocide in Gaza.

Ukraine 🇺🇦 is a tool in the hands of its American 🇺🇸 puppet masters.

SERGEY LAVROV: “The situation in Ukraine is a graphic example of how desperately the ‘world hegemon’ is fighting to preserve its domination.

Ukraine is a tool in the hands of its American puppet masters.

Everyone understands that the future of the world order is at stake.

In fact, what is being decided in Ukraine and around it is whether the world order will be fair, democratic and polycentric, or a narrow group of states succeeds in imposing a unipolar model on the international community, that is, a neocolonial division of the world into those who regard themselves as exceptional and the rest, whose role is to do the will of the chosen people.’

President of Russia Vladimir Putin has presented a convincing analysis of these events in his numerous statements and interviews.

Our choice in any situation is to hold talks with a view to finding a balance of lawful interests of all parties. I would like to emphasise the word ‘lawful.’

If the United States and its allies prefer to persist in their hopeless attempts to impose ‘ultimatums’ in the illusory hope of keeping hold on the slipping tools of their neocolonial hegemony, that’s their choice.

But Russia is ready for this as well.”

Brazil 🇧🇷 has ended diplomatic relations with Israel 🇮🇱 🇺🇸

President Lula expelled the Israeli ambassador from Brazil and recalled his ambassador from Tel Aviv

Former President of Bolivia speaks out in support of Lula Following Israel’s designation of Brazilian President Lula De Silva as “persona non grata,” Evo Morales took to social media to support the leader.

“When your super power is “the truth” 🇵🇸

The Strange Death of David Kelly 🇬🇧




Glory, and God bless the soldiers of Russia 🇷🇺

The CIA 🇺🇸 has been behind numerous covert destabilization operations utilizing various techniques ranging from assassinations, coups, arming of rebels, and other methods that have led to global mayhem and decades of bloodshed.


Finland 🇫🇮 could have used a neutrality 🕊️ position to its own very considerable advantage. Instead of which (like Ukraine) it has surrendered its sovereignty to a US/NATO/EU master.

Killing 🇺🇸 🇮🇱 Women and Children 🇵🇸

The World’s Most Documented Genocide 🇺🇸 in History 🇮🇱

US intelligence 🇺🇸 estimates Israel 🇮🇱 “far from defeating Hamas in Gaza


Although Netanyahu has vowed to continue the offensive against Gaza until Hamas is defeated, US officials briefed members of Congress earlier this week. They stated that despite Israel’s efforts to weaken Hamas’ military capabilities, they are still a long way from completely dismantling the organisation.


🇷🇺 🇺🇳 The junta in Kiev 🇺🇦 has finally thrown off its masks and opted for terrorism 🇺🇸. The actions of the Kiev regime are strikingly cruel and sophisticatedly hateful.

The attack on Belgorod, the two strikes on Donetsk, and now a strike on Lisichansk took place on off days & holidays in places of mass gathering of civilians, and the time of the strike invariably coincided with peak attendance at each of the sites. None of the sites was located in the immediate vicinity of any military infrastructure.

The Truth Behind Events in Ukraine 🇺🇦 and Donbass #DonbassTragedy

UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Dr. Alice Jill Edwards urges UK 🇬🇧 Government to halt the possible extradition of Julian Assange to the US 🇺🇸.

If extradited, Assange would be at risk of treatment amounting to torture or other forms of ill-treatment or punishment, warns Dr. Edwards.


What is happening in Ukraine 🇺🇦 is a tragedy. The West 🇺🇸 couldn’t care less about the lives of Ukrainians.

They are collateral damage, as they say in the US army.

They look right past the massive violations by the criminal Kiev regime of all human rights and freedoms, including those of ethnic minorities.

Ethnic Russians and Russian-speakers have been stripped of these rights by law. The above are the current net results of the activities of Western geopolitical architects.

The US 🇺🇸 has reaped a fortune with its war industry.

US arms sales overseas reached a record high in the 2023 fiscal year.


From Ukraine to the Middle East, the escalation of war is undoubtedly good news for US arms dealers who always seek to reap huge profits from turmoil.

The US 🇺🇸 and the West believe they have the right to destroy and occupy countries as well as steal their resources⛽


Remember this little girl? Kim Phuc Phan Thi was burnt by the US 🇺🇸 napalm bombing of Vietnamese 🇻🇳 civilians in 1972

More than 50 years later the US is still bombing civilians, in Gaza.


The US 🇺🇸 officials 💩 say they are attacking Yemen “in self-defense”

“Self-defense” from Yemeni mountain people 8,000 miles away from US borders.

US 🇺🇸 accusations against Russia 🇷🇺 of using Iranian 🇮🇷 drones in Ukraine 🇺🇦 are lies

The Russian Federation 🇷🇺 has launched a special military operation not against Ukraine or the Ukrainian people, but against the criminal 🇺🇸 regime in Kiev.”

🇺🇸 US empire in a nutshell

Rules-based international order
No rules for us

War criminals are victims
Victims are war criminals

Genocide is self-defense
Self-defense is genocide

Propaganda is journalism
Journalism is propaganda

Lies are the truth
The truth is a lie

Truth-tellers are criminals
Evildoers are truth-tellers

What we do is classified
We know everything you do

Veterans are heroes
Victims are forgotten

Savior of far away lands
With humanitarian bombs

Corporations are people
People are corporate resources

No NATO expansion eastwards
NATO on Russias borders

One China policy
Arming Taiwan

Poor China makes stuff for us, good
Rich China makes stuff for us, bad

Chinese firewall is bad
All US tech is backdoored

Protector of natural resources
On lands of foreign nations

Protector of foreign assets
If you do what we say

Protector of the environment
US military pollution doesn’t count

Protector of health
Gain of function

Bad food is good for business
Good health is bad for business

Defender of the poor
Enabler of Wall Street plutocrats

War is peace
Endless wars for endless peace

Our Nazis are good
Their Nazis are bad

Our election interference is good
Their election interference is bad

Democracy is priceless
Politicians are not

Empire is righteous
We lie, we cheat, we steal

Empire promotes peace
20m dead in 37 victim nations

Empire loves you
17m killed with gain of function

The war on drugs
CIA #1 drug trafficker

The war on terror
CIA #1 terror organization

Torture is bad
CIA #1 torturer

Due process
Guantanamo Bay

United States of America
Open borders

Don’t trust crypto
It’s for criminals

We watch over you
Through your phones and PC’s

Spying on Americans is illegal
5 Eyes allies do it for us

Bio-weapons are illegal
Outsourced to China and Ukraine

Surplus is failure
Bankruptcy is success

Empire is rich
34 trillion national debt
97 trillion total debt
212 trillion unfunded liabilities
188 trillion total assets
Being broke is the new rich

Dictatorship is democracy
Mail-in voting

What’s wrong is right
What’s right is wrong

🇺🇲🇬🇧🇨🇦🇪🇺💥🇷🇺‼️NATO has gone totally crazy: The head of the NATO military committee made a shocking statement about the war with Russia‼️

The civilian population must prepare for an all-out war with Russia in the next 20 years.

US 🇺🇲 politicians have lost the trust of the whole World 🌐. No one believes them.

 They are lying.  We know they are lying.

 They know we know they are lying, but they still lie.

US politicians are liars.

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The US 🇺🇸 always pays the price for stealing Iranian 🇮🇷 oil 🛢️

It’s official Iran checkmated USA IRGC special forces seized the Suez Rajan ship with its 1 million barrels of oil, which had been illegally seized by the US.

The US always pays the price for stealing Iranian oil.


The United States stole an oil tanker from Iran a year ago in an illegal move to back its sanctions campaign against the state. Today, the ship was taken back by Iran in the Gulf of Oman.

How US 🇺🇸 moved to block International Criminal Court⚖️ referal for alleged Israeli 🇮🇱 war crimes after 2009

Goldstone report #Gaza #ICC Link:


ISIS is an American 🇺🇸 tool, that works when the US demands it to.

ISIS is an American tool, that works when the US demands it to. They activated them in Iraq and now wants to active it in Iran. Go see who provide them the logistic support.


🇮🇷 Terrorist attack on the memorial ceremony of General Suleimani, American terrorists strikes again

🇮🇷 Terrorist attack on the memorial ceremony of General Suleimani, American terrorists strikes again

Terrorist attack on the memorial ceremony of General Suleimani.

Two explosions at the road leading to Soleimani’s grave and memorial ceremony in Kerman. Soleimani’s biggest enemy was the Mossad, Israel and ISIS. Do the math yourself who is carrying out terrorist attacks around the world.

⚠️ The united states is a terrorist state.

Sardar Soleimani sacrificed his entire youth and life for the security of the people of Iran and the region. He destroyed ISIS, which was created by America, that’s why America assassinated him. #Hero #GeneralSoleimani #جانفدا #مرد_میدان #سردار_دل‌ها #شهید_القدس

The killing of children and women is a response to the slap they received from the axis of resistance, said #Iranian Interior Minister Ahmed Vahidi, adding that the second bombing occurred during citizens gathering to rescue the victims of the first bombing. #Iran

The death toll from the terrorist attack that hit #Kerman in #Iran has now reached 211.

Assassination of an Iranian General who was on an official visit to a neighboring country #Iraq was a new low in the long record of US regime’s nefarious int’l conduct. US bears the full responsibility and the perpetrators must be & will be held accountable. #GeneralSoleimani



“Of the blessings of the Al-Aqsa Flood: destroying the humane image the Americans worked on creating of themselves in the Arab region; today, the war on Gaza is an American one, the bombs are American, the decision is American. The world knows this today.” “There is no place for any settler in Palestine. The one carrying a British citizenship will be told to return to Britain, the French to France, the American to the US. Palestine, from the river to the sea, is for the Palestinian people only!” Israel has fallen morally, legally, and humanely, and in the eyes of all peoples of the world, it is a killer of children and women, displaces people, and is responsible for the largest genocide of the current century.

Youngest Kerman martyr: 2-year-old girl with pink coat and heart-shaped earrings.


ISIS is an American 🇺🇸 tool, that works when the US demands it to.

Algeria 🇩🇿 prevents a US aircraft carrying weapons to Israel from flying over their airspace.
